Prevention Education

Interface is aimed at fostering a safer and healthier community. Trainings and community awareness presentations on My Body Belongs to Me, Teen Dating Violence Prevention, and domestic violence awareness are available to schools, medical providers, community agencies, and the general community. Please contact us at to schedule.
My Body Belongs to Me
My Body Belongs to Me is a child abuse prevention program that works to educate and empower children about personal safety in a non-threatening way. This program is for children from preschool through 5th grade, their families, and school staff. My Body Belongs to Me teaches children how to respond to potentially dangerous people and situations and it is offered to schools, day-care centers, and other childcare and youth facilities. Learn more about the program and how to sign up for presentation here.
Teen Dating Violence Prevention
Aims to educate teenagers about healthy relationships, raise awareness about the signs of abuse, and provide resources and support for those who may be experiencing or perpetrating dating violence.
Shifting Boundaries
Evidenced-based, multi-level prevention program consisting of activities designed to reduce dating and sexual abuse among adolescents in middle school settings.