This week, we are all watching as the community of Christchurch, New Zealand struggles and mourns the loss of 50 community members to yet another senseless mass shooting. We mourn with them, knowing all too well what kind of shock, disbelief, concern and compassion for the families, survivors, responders and community they must be feeling. It’s only been 4 months since our own Borderline mass shooting here, and the wounds are still fresh.

Interface is working closely alongside our District Attorney’s office victim advocates, through our own 2-1-1 response work. We were bracing for this day to come, when the next big shooting would grab the world’s attention, and how our own surviving families, victims, responders and communities would be affected. There is still so much healing to do for our community, and yet a similar process is unfolding for sister communities across the world who are months or even years past their own mass violence incidents. Each new mass violence event brings it back up for everyone, and most unfortunately, is just part of the process for each of these unique communities and now for our own here at home.

We acknowledge that this intensive physical and emotional recovery takes a long time and happens on it’s own timeline for each person affected by such dramatic trauma. Interface is no stranger to trauma in all it’s forms however. Our clients who have been subjected to or witnessed family violence, abuse, fires, floods, gunfire, and other traumatic events are working hard every day to cope, heal and find their own paths to recovery.

For all of us, it’s important to acknowledge and accept the individual reactions that these shootings evoke, and to make an effort to be sensitive to the varied ways that we all cope with these community tragedies. Sometimes it’s anger, sometimes grief, and sometimes numbness. Now is a good time to pay attention to those around you who were particularly affected by the Borderline shooting when it happened. It’s always good to compassionately check in with family, friends and especially children, who may not have the language they need to express how they are feeling. If there is anything we can do to help you or someone you’re concerned about, call us at 2-1-1, or text us at 898211. We’re always here as your starting place for help 24/7.

With respect and compassion,


Erik Sternad
Executive Director